Rest in peace, Jimmy Cobb. You will be missed!
Here is the message from Serena Cobb:
“My name is Serena Cobb. I am raising funds for my father, legendary jazz drummer, Jimmy Cobb in his time of need.
My father started playing professionally at 18 years old. He recorded the highest selling jazz record in history “Kind of Blue” at age 30, and as we’ve just celebrated his 91st birthday this January, he has recently released two records and is still doing everything he can to give himself to the music. He’s dedicated the last 70 years of his life to the art of jazz, and although there’s nothing he’d rather do than continue to support himself and his family while doing what he loves, it has become far too difficult of a task. He’s no longer able to perform at the rate he used to, and at his age, one would expect that. But until recently, that hasn’t been the case at all.
Mentally and spiritually my father is as youthful and energetic as ever, but for the past 2 years he’s been dealing with some medical issues that have been causing severe challenges for him physically. Unfortunately he has been unable to receive proper treatment due to financial struggles. Although he has been pushing himself to work in order to get some medical attention while still maintaining daily life…it just isn’t enough. We’ve often been left in a position to have to choose between medical attention and his basic necessities. As the days pass, he continues to become more and more in need of assistance.
Doctors have recommended limited performance over the next year so that he can get the proper rest. During this time, we will need to cover both his personal and medical expenses. We’ve chosen a holistic approach which requires 100% out of pocket coverage for both treatment and visits, as it isn’t covered by insurance. He is also currently in need of a full time care giver. These major pieces are in addition to all of his medications, supplements, bills and daily expenses, meals, cleaning etc.
As a humble and very private man who has always been the strength in both his family and his community, he wouldn’t dare complain or ask for help, however; in order to care for him properly, our family is in dire need. He has been doing his best to fight through but I’m sad to say that the work he loves so much has become more than he can handle at the moment.
I come to you all, as his community, friends, fans, colleagues, family members, jazz lovers, music lovers, and fellow humans and ask that you help me help my father. By showing him some of the love that he’s shown the world, through both his spirit and his music, this could shine a whole new light on his life. As much as it saddens me to have to ask for help, I know my father truly needs it, and it would be unfair of me NOT to reach out and give him a fighting chance at getting better.
We ask that if you are able and find it in your hearts, to please donate whatever you can. No amount is too small. From the bottom of our heart’s, we thank you.”