Starebaby sheet music and transcriptions are now available via drummer Dan Weiss’ online store. Featured scores include the Starebaby album as well as Dan’s solo albums Sixteen, Fourteen and Tintal Drumset Solos.
It’s really cool that these charts have been made available. The music is complex and being able to see it dissected is incredible valuable.
Dan gave me permission to post a sample from one of the scores. This is from Depredation. Notice that even the drum parts are transcribed.

Read on for a little background on Starebaby.

It’s hard to describe this music if you haven’t heard it, so here’s a description from the record label:
“Starebaby is the upshot of drummer/composer Dan Weiss’s long-running dream to bring together some of the most accomplished players on the jazz scene to play music that combines the improvisation nature of that music with the power of heavy metal and electronic new music.”
Here’s a video of them playing live in Los Angeles.
Starebaby is: Dan Weiss, Ben Monder, Trevor Dunn, Matt Mitchell and Craig Taborn